Terms of Use

General terms

By accessing our site https://elena-wagyu.com/ you agree to and are bound by these Terms of Use and the relevant legal provisions. You unreservedly assume responsibility for their observance and compliance. If for any reason you do not agree with any part of these Terms of Use, you must immediately exit the Site and may not use it again.

This site is the property of Elena Wagyu, the information provided on it is intended only to facilitate communication with us and to improve our performance in the market. All materials on the site are protected by the Copyright Act and related rights.

Permission to use

These Terms of Use give you the right to download a temporary copy of the information materials provided on the site for personal, non-commercial use for informational purposes. This only authorizes you to do so, not a call to action.

Without express written permission, you have absolutely no right to copy or modify the text, graphics, audio and video information provided on the site; use the information for a commercial purpose; make it public for commercial or non-commercial purposes; attempt to interfere with the site; delete any distinctive notices of authorship on the provided information materials; transfer the information to a third party or copy it to another server.

Permission to use will automatically terminate if any of these conditions are violated. Elena Wagyu has full right to edit the content and information on this site; without notice to terminate access to it for an indefinite period of time or to withdraw this Permission to use. In such event, you must destroy any information from the site that you previously saved on electronic or hard media.

Exemption from liability

All informational materials on the site should be accepted in the form in which they are provided. Elena Wagyu makes no warranties, implied or express, and hereby disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property or other legal violations.

In addition, Elena Wagyu does not guarantee or make any claims regarding the accuracy of the information on the site, the consequences of any use thereof outside the site, the reliability of the information materials on external sites linked to this one.


Under no circumstances can Elena Wagyu be held liable for damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of data or lost profits as a result of interruption of accessibility or technical serviceability of the site) arising from the use or inability to use the information materials in this site, even in cases where Elena Wagyu or its official representatives have been informed orally or in writing of the possibility of such damages.

Implied warranties and liability for consequential damages are not recognized and permitted in some jurisdictions, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you.

Accuracy of information materials

The information on this site may contain technical, typographical or photographic errors and inaccuracies. Elena Wagyu does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of any of the materials provided on the site and has the freedom to change the content of the site without notice, and this is not a commitment to regularly edit the materials.

External references

Elena Wagyu does not control all other sites to which there are references on this site, and therefore assumes no responsibility for the content of these sites. The use of a link to an external site does not imply its administration by Elena Wagyu. Visiting and using these sites is at your own risk.


Elena Wagyu has the right to revise and amend these Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice. By using this site, you automatically agree to comply with the current version of this document.